Tuesday, June 12, 2012

OB Appointment: Still Hanging On

Yesterday's OB appointment went about as well as expected. Overall, I'm not experiencing any new bleeding, my cervix remains long and closed, I am not contracting, and the baby (yes, everyone needs to say this as soon as they start the ultrasound) is "very active." My OB's best guess about what happened is that it was related to the placenta previa - after all, painless bright red bleeding is the classic presentation and in the pre-ultrasound days it was evidently how they found out about previas. She thinks that the placenta probably bled a few days ago internally, it formed a clot, and then the clot made its dramatic escape on Friday night. She also said that stopping the Lovenox was the best thing I could have done right now.

So it was a good report, overall. However, there were still some things that were ever-so-slightly worrisome:

- Finally, someone did a transvaginal ultrasound to measure my cervical length. They could see it pretty well transabdominally, but I knew it wasn't an accurate measurement, and even though I have no risk factors for Incompetent Cervix, of course I'm worried about it. The good news is that the transvaginal ultrasound confirmed that my cervix is "long and closed." The bad news, according to this chart, is that my 35mm long cervix is still below the 10th percentile for singleton pregnancies at 21 weeks. I know, I know, it could be so much worse. And it seems like most OBs consider anything above 25mm to be fine. But now I've got that on my mind, too.

- The transvaginal ultrasound, even though it was as gentle and noninvasive as possible, dislodged enough of the bleed that it started up again. (That's why you apparently never want to touch a cervix with placenta previa - even a small amount of activity can disrupt the fragile blood vessels right above it.) It was pinkish-brown and I actually showed some of it to a nurse on a tissue after they told me to clean myself off and she said it was nothing to worry about. Still, for the rest of the day, every time I went to the bathroom, there it was. The mental torture of seeing more blood was the worst part of yesterday, because I just kept waiting for it to turn into a full-on hemorrhage... even though it didn't.

- Finally, here's one for you to puzzle over. Yesterday the intake nurse who did my blood pressure and my weight (and obviously hadn't looked at my chart) said "Oh, looks like you've lost five pounds since your last visit, congratulations!" To which I replied, "Um, I'm actually pregnant... aren't I supposed to be gaining weight?" Awkward pause. I then had two separate nurses as well as my doctor ask me, all polite concern, "Are you eating?" And my response was yes! Yes, I am eating! I had a burger for dinner last night! I haven't had any morning sickness in weeks! I'm lying around on the couch all the time doing as little exercise as possible! My bottom should be the size of Brazil! How entirely bizarre. I mean, at any other time in my life, my reaction would have been - unexpected weight loss, score! But now I'm just baffled more than anything. Why on earth would I be losing weight? My doctor didn't seem terribly worried and said that it was more important to just watch the trend, and Dr. Google doesn't seem to have many resources on this particular problem. I mean, I want to gain weight in the healthiest way possible, so noshing on a tube of chocolate chip cookie dough seems like rather an immature response, but I will admit it's tempting. How often am I going to have this opportunity, really?

That's all for now - hopefully today will be quiet, and then tomorrow it's off to see the Maternal-Fetal Medicine doctor. There's no Yellow Brick Road leading the way there, but fingers crossed for at least one wizard who can make all of this better.


  1. So glad to hear your ultrasound went well. I think with that 5 lb. weight loss you should now have free reign to gorge yourself as you like. Full fat everything!

  2. I'm glad the US went well! I can't believe they just took you off the lovenox now! I bet that will help alot with the bleeding. I'll keep my fingers crossed that the bleeding stops soon!
