Tuesday, June 26, 2012

My Sweet New Ride

What do you do when you keep bleeding during pregnancy, but nobody can figure out a single cause, and no one wants to go so far as to put you on bed rest but they tell you generically to "take it very easy?"

If you're me, and you find that you really need to go to Target but you're nervous about doing too much walking, you will be thrilled to find that Target offers their customers the option of shopping from the convenience of a mobility scooter. Yes, that's right - I took one of these bad boys out for a spin the other day:

It was really quite awesome. Yes, I got some looks from store employees and other patrons - the "wait, she has all her limbs, why is she in a scooter?" kind of thing - but it saved me a heck of a lot of walking. A word to the wise, however: it makes a REALLY loud beeping sound when you put it in reverse, so you may want to try to turn around by finding a wide aisle and turning the wheel to the side as far as it will go. This may mean that you get stuck against a display of picture frames, but that's life in the fast lane (er, the very very slow lane.) And I was thrilled to note that I'm actually just participating in the latest pregnant-lady trend: Snooki does it too!


  1. You go, Scooter Girl! I will totally take advantage of that soon. My big moment this weekend was letting a Trader Joe's employee put my bags in my car. They were very heavy, so I feel it was justified!

  2. My OB threatened me with 'activity restrictions' if I can't put on more weight. I'm not sure what activity restrictions all entail, but I may be required to ride the scooter through Target in the near future.
    I love that you took the scooter for a spin! That's what they are there for right?!

  3. That's awesome! Definitely use that whenever you can!
