Friday, January 13, 2012

Rose! Hyper on Two!

(If you can name the movie I'm quoting above, you get a gold star.)

Today was my extra-special crazy-lady appointment at my RE's office (with a bonus unscheduled appearance from my RE himself!) to talk with the nurse coordinator about my concerns regarding egg retrieval. I will admit, embarrassingly, that I do feel much better now that I've voiced all my worries to somebody and seen the procedure room and been assured in no uncertain terms that this will not be agony and if it is, they'll stop. Sigh. The Ativan prescription I picked up probably won't hurt either.

The only thing that continues to bother me is that when I related my friend's story about trying to take her feet out of the stirrups but being prevented from doing so by an additional drug being pushed into her IV, the nurse's reaction was immediately that it had never happened or if it did, it didn't happen exactly that way. I mean, it's hard for me to get all indignant about it because it's not my story, but I really don't think my friend is lying and even if she is mistaken about the details - this is what their former patient perceived to be her experience at their clinic, and it was upsetting. Period. If I had a horrific experience at a doctor's office of any kind, I would tell them about it in no uncertain terms, but my friend isn't interested in doing that so I guess the matter will just rest here.

The other new development to come out of today's meeting is that my RE asked if I had 5 minutes free to meet with him to go over the calendar for my cycle - believe it or not, we are pushing back my start date for Follistim AGAIN! This time it's because my RE has to be out of town on what would have been my retrieval date. I can stay on the leuprolide acetate "indefinitely" (it's similar to being on Lupron Depot, which would last for several months, so two more days of the injectable stuff won't actually harm me - it just keeps me in a holding pattern until we're ready to start). Part of me feels like this is a stay of execution but another part of me just wants to get the show on the road already! Anyway, I am now starting Follistim on Sunday 1/15. With any luck sugar cookies will be involved.

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