Lots of news this morning after my discussion with my RE - I will almost certainly be able to push the start of my stimulation to Jan. 13, which is good because it solves some scheduling issues for me. I'll write more later but first I have a question for my readers (yes, all five of you):
How does your clinic handle anesthesia for egg retrieval? If your clinic only offers conscious sedation, do they allow your spouse or another person to stay in the room with you?
I ask because my clinic does not offer general anesthesia for retrieval, only Versed and Fentanyl for conscious sedation. My real-life IF friend who has been to this clinic for retrieval twice said that she had two different experiences with them: the first time she was in agony for the entire procedure and basically felt everything, and the second time she was so scared of the coming pain that she actually started freaking out and trying to take her legs out of the stirrups before the procedure even began. At that point the doctor gave some signal to the nurse to push something into her IV and the next thing she knew she was in the recovery room. I want my retrieval to go more like her second experience than the first one, obviously, but my conversation with my RE on this topic didn't go very well. I reiterated my concerns about retrieval, he reassured me that I would be fine, and then I said (thinking that this would be no big deal) that I would appreciate having Harry stay in the room during the procedure seeing as how I would be conscious and all. That is apparently a major problem for them and they have never ever had a spouse stay in the room, or even had anyone ask for their spouse to stay, and the conversation just got worse from there. I tried to stay as calm as possible but I don't think I did very well, and now my doctor says that he'll have to check with some people and get back to me and if this is going to be a dealbreaker then I can't even start stimulation until the issue is resolved.
So, other women in infertilityland, would you mind weighing in? I know that some clinics do offer general anesthesia for retrieval, but others don't, and I have definitely read stories about people's partners being in the room during the procedure. This being the Internet, you never really know what's true and what isn't, but if I am way out of line for asking this of my RE then I'd like to know. Thanks.
Here We Go Again....
5 years ago
I was under general for my retrieval- it was never discussed, just assumed. No Dr Boy in the room either. In fact, when they took me back, they sent him to go do his sample at the same time. I truly didn't care if he was in the room with me, awake or not... one less person to spread germs into the OR.
ReplyDeleteThanks - I would never want Harry in the room if it's really a surgery, but this "it's so routine, we only offer conscious sedation right here in the office" thing seems really screwed up to me. If it's a routine office procedure, why can't he be there to hold my hand and make them stop if I ask them to? And if it's a real surgery, why can't they offer me 100% pain relief? My doctor said the pain relief is about 80%, which makes me really mad. Why should I endure any more pain than I already have?
ReplyDeleteThe first RE I went to only offered valium! Luckily I didn't have retrieval there! My doc in Vegas did full sedation but started with fentanol and that stuff is magic! I'm not sure I would have minded just fentanol... As for hubby being in the room, there are somethings I prefer that he not see and I feel like watching that would have been like watching surgery and he didn't even like seeing my HSG. So I'd say trust your doc, try not to get too anxious before hand, give your hubby a kiss and walk/waddle in while trying to hide your bum in the silly gown. You'll do great!
ReplyDeleteMy RE only offers a nerve pill, valium, and IV pain medicines... I better not feel anything or I will have them stop and fully sedate me. F that! I've already been through enough!
ReplyDeleteI had a twilight anesthesia and didn't feel a thing. Good luck.
ReplyDeleteI know nothing about this, but I hope they let him in the room. It would be so comforting.
ReplyDeleteI had a conscious sedation with propofol and didn't feel a thing. The advantage of propofol over fentanyl and versed is your able to wake up a lot faster and feel less drowsy coming it of it. They both knock you out. I can't imagine going through the retrieval with only a sedative. I was so freaking nervous. Hope this helps.
ReplyDeleteThe conscious sedation should knock you out so you don't feel a thing. I wouldn't stress. Honestly it should be okay. Just wanted to stress that;)
ReplyDeleteI agree with the other ladies, I'll have conscious sedation with propofol and was told I may hear what's going on but I won't remember it, and then I'll have basically zero need to "recover" from the anesthesia, that its like a power nap except your partly awake.
ReplyDeleteI don't think my husband can be in the room either but he wouldn't want to, I think it would be a little much for him and I wouldn't want him feeling anxious and overwhelmed when he really needs to "perform." Or worse, passing out and causing a commotion in the middle of my retrieval.
Honestly, try to trust your doctor and know that it will all work out fine and you won't be in pain.