Sunday, January 22, 2012

CDsomething and I'm Makin' Eggs

Because of my super-long Lupron protocol, I have no idea what cycle day I'm on. But I do know this: today marks my one-week anniversary of stimulating my ovaries, and this is happening, people. I have 14 measurable follicles on my right ovary and 8 on my left ovary. (I realize that in my last post I reversed the count so it looked like lefty was the major producer, sorry about that - just my latent right-left confusion causing trouble.)

The doc who performed my ultrasound said that I'm responding very quickly to the Follistim and I might trigger as early as tonight, but left the final decision to my RE. Turns out he wants to wait one more day and monitor me again tomorrow morning to see if any of the smaller follicles are catching up to their friends, and then probably plan on a retrieval Wednesday or Thursday. I'm really surprised because my RE and I were initially planning on a Friday or Saturday retrieval (and I wanted the extra time to recover over the weekend, which I suspect I now will not get), but like everything with this infertility process, there's just no way to predict how things will go.

So that's the good news. The bad news is that as my overachiever ovaries have been popping out all of these follicles, I've been feeling increasingly worse. The twinges I felt in my belly on Thursday morphed into a constant menstrual-cramp-like pain by Friday, and got worse all day on Saturday. By Saturday night I was also feeling intermittent low-level nausea, which has continued today and which I've also felt when I've had intense menstrual cramps in the past (thanks, endometriosis!) I'm not actually throwing up and it could be much worse, but I've spent most of the day on the couch taking Tylenol and sipping on tea and juice. Work should be interesting tomorrow, but we'll cross that bridge when we come to it. And in terms of days to spend sitting on the couch - it could be worse, I have the playoffs to watch!


  1. Congrats on the good work, oves! I'm glad things are moving along nice and quickly for you, especially if you're that uncomfortable.

    Trust me, if you have a Wed or Thurs retrieval, you will NOT be very mobile the day or two after. You'll definitely use the weekend to continue the recovery. Good luck!!

  2. Nice work growing those follicles!!! I was incredibly uncomfortable the weekof the retrieval. I had 27 follicles retrieved and I felt very swollen and uncomfortable. It will be completely worth it though!! Hang in there!

  3. That's a great follicle count! Hang in there with all of your symptoms. I'm definitely feeling cramps, mostly in my right overachiever of an ovary and some nausea. I'll be waiting to hear the news if you trigger tomorrow. We're getting so close!!

  4. Yay for all the follies! So exciting! Sorry you are feeling so horrible. Good Luck! I can't wait to hear about the retrieval.
