Monday, August 6, 2012

Apropos of Nothing, Here's an Update on my Fingernails

I've been on prenatal vitamins for a long time now. At some point back in 2010 I ran out of my Women's One-a-Day and bought a big bottle of generic prenatals instead. I didn't expect miracles, of course, but based on the movie Juno, I figured my fingernails (and hair, maybe?) would start doing amazing things. No such luck. I don't pay too much attention to my nails, but I can tell you they didn't do anything special.

Except now. I feel like they actually are growing faster than usual - I cut and file them so they're nice and short, and I turn around, and all of a sudden I'm FloJo. I'm having trouble typing since they're dramatically longer than they were a few days ago! Evidently this is not unheard of, but this BabyCenter article seems to imply that basically anything can happen with your nails: some get softer! some get harder! it's nail pandemonium out there!

Ha - like these are my hands! I think the last 
time I got a manicure was for my wedding.

Anyway, not much else to report (you have to figure that if I'm taking the time to talk about my fingernails, nothing particularly interesting is going on, right?) Coming up on 30 weeks this Thursday - go, baby, go!

1 comment:

  1. FloJo nails. Love the comparison. Mine are out of control as well..fingers and toes! Except I am having trouble reaching my toes.
    Congrats on the upcoming 3-0! That's a big milestone!!
