Tuesday, July 17, 2012

The Belly Button of Doom

It's coming.

Every day it's poking out a little bit more.



(I don't have tails - yet - but I'm pleased to see that Melusina, 
inspiration for the Starbucks logo, also had an outie.)

And no, Vanessa Minnillo, I don't think it's like having a third nipple. But then I also didn't pose for any sunset babymoon pictures, either. That's cool though. Yours look great.

In other news, has anyone else read the article on IVF that was in the New York Times this morning? I feel like it isn't particularly controversial - in fact, for those of us who have been through this process and know how it works it's downright boring to read - but I'll be intrigued to see if it comes up in conversation today with the NYTimes junkies I know. For the record, 22 follicles, a mild case of OHSS, three frozen embryos, and one pregnancy later, I'm not sure they could have sold me on low-dose IVF at the time of my cycle. I'd rather get all of the unpleasantness over with as fast as possible, especially if insurance picks up the tab. But knowing what I know now about the risks of hyperstimulation? Hmmm. Maybe. Anyway, back to what's really important here - my belly button. I think it needs its own theme music, like in a horror film, so people know when to run screaming from the room! (It's okay, belly button. I still think you're pretty great.)


  1. AHHHHH!!! It's THE BUTTON!!!! Run for your lives!!! Mine is getting shallower every day and it's just a matter of time...

  2. Watch out!! Mine is stretched very thin...I wonder if it will pop out or just tear open? I wonder sometimes because it looks like it could just tear apart any second.

  3. LOL! Am crazy that I hope mine pops out when I am pregnant? I just asked my Hubby and he said he thinks it's cute when it pops. hehehe
