Sunday, May 13, 2012

Uh, You Have Something on your Face

The other day I had this conversation with Harry.

Me: (looking in bathroom mirror) Dammit.
Harry: What's up?
Me: Well, first I have endometriosis, then I have all these pregnancy complications, and now I have some sort of dermatological problem.
Harry: What do you mean?
Me: (pointing to the brown spots that are showing up on my forehead and cheeks) Look.
Harry: Are you sure those aren't related to pregnancy?
Me: Ummmm...

So, thanks to a quick consult with Dr. Google, I have diagnosed myself with melasma. Melasmas? I don't know, but basically I have these dark spots on my face that aren't opaque enough to be moles but aren't light enough to fit in with my freckles. Behold, an example courtesy of Wikipedia:

Awesome. I'm told that these will likely go away after delivery (though probably some time after delivery, like months; I am probably not going to check out of the hospital with magically clear skin) but now you don't even have to look down at my belly to tell that I'm knocked up. Hooray!

1 comment:

  1. Never heard of that. You can't just pass them as freckles? When I get sun my freckles connect and I get patches like that on my face and all over.
