Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Make It Pink! Make It Blue!

My favorite movie growing up was Sleeping Beauty. Okay, fine - one of my favorite films even as an adult is Sleeping Beauty. It's so fifties-tastic in style and has a happy ending and I really identified with Merriweather, one of the three good fairies. In fact, I identified with her so much that I always rooted for Princess Aurora's dress to be blue rather than pink. Remember that? Merriweather keeps magically changing the gown to blue, then Flora zaps it with her wand and it goes back to pink, and so on and so forth, until this is the result?

(Full disclosure: as a child of the '80s, I actually thought 
this splattered look was the best one of all.)

This is not to say that I dislike pink. I am always faintly embarrassed to look at my closet and realize how many of my clothes are varying shades of pink. But blue is the color of the sky and the sea and it's always been my favorite. And now, it is the color that will inevitably be most associated with... our son. Yes, you read that right:

We're having a boy!

A boy who has ten fingers, ten toes, a normally shaped palate and feet, and who was so active during the ultrasound that we had no problem taking a peek between his tiny legs. I was actually the one to identify his, um, personal region - the ultrasound tech and I both started laughing since it was so obvious. So there you have it. The tiny creature who keeps kicking me (he was especially active during this week's Game of Thrones episode and appears to support Stannis more than the Lannisters, whatever that might indicate) will someday, we hope and pray, be a man. How weird, and how wonderful.


  1. Yay!!! What great news! Congrats on the great ultrasound. I am torn between my hatred for most of the Lannisters and my love for Tyrion! Can he just become the new king, please?

  2. Yay for normally shaped palates and feet! Hoping each milestone continues to bring good news, and that the "blues" in your life continue to be great ones :)

  3. Congrats on your little boy!!! I loved the splattered dress too.
