Monday, February 13, 2012

Unjustified Pity Party, Part 2: DVT Edition

So within moments of publishing my last post, my doctor called with the news that today's ultrasound of my leg had revealed that the Deep Venous Thrombosis was still hiding out in my calf. I didn't even mention it earlier because it seemed like such a nonevent; my leg has stopped hurting and of course last week's scan was negative. But no, it turns out the clot is still there, just smaller and with more blood flow around it.

Tomorrow morning, I am going to get a thrombophilia workup (translation: more bloodwork) and pick up my 3-month supply of Lovenox injections. I've been told that Lovenox burns like a mothereffer, so that's awesome, and of course I'm thrilled about the new lab I get to go visit at the crack of dawn. I'll probably make an appointment with a blood specialist this week to discuss next steps.

This seems like an appropriate time to take inventory of the good things I have going on:
1.) A probably-still-viable pregnancy.
2.) A husband who premade three nights of dinners because I can't stand to be in the kitchen near all that fragrant food.
3.) A job that is totally cool with me coming in late tomorrow and has been really understanding about all of my unexpected medical challenges recently.
4.) An adorable puppydog cuddled up next to me as I type this.
5.) A big bottle of top-shelf vodka just in case it all falls apart. It's important to be prepared!


  1. Sorry the DVT is still sticking around! Don't stress about the lovenox, its just another shot. It does burn but just go really really slow and it burns less and barely even bruises. My routine was stab it in fast, inject at snails pace, wait 15 seconds with the needle in then pull it out slow. Alot of people say put the needle in slow but that caused more bruising and stinging for me personally.

    1. Thanks - I saw your comment a few minutes before my first injection and used all of your tips, plus I iced it down for a while before and after. Absolutely no bruise this morning, it's more like the tiny mark from a Lupron injection. Fingers crossed things keep going smoothly.
