Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Beta #5

Great news - my beta hCG today showed that I'm up to 1510! I couldn't be prouder if it were an SAT score. (Although I understand that with the new SAT scoring system 1510 isn't that great... anyway. Cart before the horse much, Charlotte?) That's a doubling time of 39.47 hours, which makes me very happy. It also makes me think that I was right to feel that close monitoring is a double-edged sword; one result can make me flip out and the most important thing is to watch the trend. Of course, I know things can turn around at any time but at least today was a good day.

I did my first Lovenox shot last night with what I will call the Lindsey protocol: in very quickly, push very slowly, keep the needle in there for a while before taking it out. I also iced the skin before and after and kept pressure on the site afterwards. I have a veeeeeery faint bruise that you'd have to be looking for in order to see, so we're going to count that as a success.

My next blood test will be on Friday, so keep your fingers crossed for good news! Hopefully after that I'll be able to make an appointment for an ultrasound, which is great because then it gives me something new to obsess about.


  1. Yay for a great doubling time!! I'm also so glad the "Lindsey protocol" worked! Also thank God I took the SATs before they added the writing section... I'm a really really bad writer and speller!

  2. I have never heard of someone doing so many Betas! I am so excited for you!!! Keep growing little one!
