Thursday, December 29, 2011

Lupron Update

The fact that I haven't been posting much about my experience on leuprolide acetate is actually a good thing. Because 'twas endometriosis that got me here in the first place, my RE wanted me on a looooong Lupron protocol - as in, nearly a month of shots before any stimulation will start. Believe me, if I had had a reason to complain, I would have. Because I hate the birth control pill with such a fiery passion, I was expecting to feel the same way about Lupron... but, magically, I don't. No joke, this has been (knock on wood) no big deal.

The biggest thing I have to complain about is a persistent headache. Most of the time it's minor enough that I can ignore it, occasionally it makes me want to lie down and take a nap, but it's really nothing worth writing home about (or, in this case, telling the Internet about.) I have had it since the second day I took Lupron and I really don't think at this point that it's attributable to caffeine withdrawal, but who knows.

I have also had a few strange instances of getting very flushed from my chest to my face and feeling hot without any good reason. Hot flashes? Maybe. There are more than a few post-menopausal women in my life and their experience with hot flashes has been a bit more dramatic, so I don't really feel I can complain - I'm not tearing off my clothing in restaurants while sweat pours down my face. I'm just warmer than usual. And as someone who is chronically cold, a little unexpected warmth in a New England winter is very welcome.

And no, injecting myself hasn't really gotten easier. I haven't resorted to sugar cookies every time (even though, let me tell you, this is the right time of year to find cookies everywhere I look.) It hurts and it's not fun and the only good thing about it is that Harry thinks I'm pretty badass for stabbing myself in the stomach every night. But it's over quickly and it makes me feel like I'm making progress with this whole crazy endeavor, so that's good.

Overall, Lupron? Totally fine. Of course now that I've written this down I'm sure I'll wake up tonight with some sort of bizarre problem like hot dog fingers or spontaneous dental hydroplosion, but so far... so good.

1 comment:

  1. Great to hear the few weeks of Lupron have been way better than bcp for you! Makes this all a lot easier. I think the Lupron is like our little training time, we get to do one little, simple shot every night for a while do that when we bump up to three we feel like pro's. :-)
    I felt a little headachey/dizzy/nauseous the day after my first shot but haven't had any problems since. Part of me thinks maybe it was in my head because I kept thinking of how you are having the never-ending headache!
