Monday, September 3, 2012

Gobble Gobble, Waddle Waddle

This is a picture of a turkey! Not of me!

No, sadly, this is not a post about my amazing turkey impression. (I wish. I'm secretly super jealous of people who can do a realistic gobble sound.) This is a post about how I can't stop eating, and I have started to waddle when I walk. Fun times.

About three weeks ago, I noticed that I was beginning to walk a bit differently than I usually do. That's not to say that I normally do the model walk with one foot directly in front of the other, my hips swinging my designer dress from side to side (ha!) It's just that my gait is now ever-so-slightly wider than it has been, edging over into a distinctive late-pregnancy waddle. And I still have up to 7 weeks to go, so this should be interesting! If I get round enough, do you think I could start rolling places instead?

Around the same time, I began to notice the return of the pregnancy food cravings. For months I've been smugly telling people that I did have cravings that were tied in with my morning sickness, but after that resolved near the end of the first trimester, I've just been eating normally. NOT ANYMORE. I want huge amounts of food, and I want what I want when I say I want it. There was one memorable day that I was obsessing about brownies and spent hours looking up recipes online before I came home and baked a big pan of them, but in general, I've wanted food with lots of protein and a measurable amount of fat. I dream of roast chicken (with gravy!), meatloaf topped with a ketchup crust, bananas slathered in peanut butter, whole lobsters straight off the grill, etc. I also drink like crazy (water, you guys. Come on now.) I want my protein and I want my ice water and I start to get legitimately irritable if I can't get these things, which makes me even more fun to live with than usual.

But at least I'm getting exercise, right? Um, yeah. I'm going to start back up with my prenatal yoga DVD any day now, I swear. Just as soon as I'm done waddling to the kitchen and back.


  1. This made me hungry and I just got done eating lunch!!! Waddle away mama! I've got that sexy waddle thing going on, but it's unavoidable at a certain point. I'm also drinking ice water non stop. I have a glass sitting next to me right now.

  2. I love you. You are so funny and spot on. I am only at 23 weeks and I am becoming famished. My whole pregnancy so far has been fine with weight and food, but now? I am hungry every two hours and gaining the weight now. Ugh! No waddling yet, but I can see it coming in the future.
    I think I will go down a bowl of chocolate ice cream now.
