Saturday, September 8, 2012

Okay, Now I'm Just Making Stuff Up

Baby boy and I appear to be doing fine. He likes it when I eat sweet things (at least, if one can interpret kicking and flailing limbs as "I like this") and I'm doing fine as well (my ankles aren't even that swollen!) And he's even been vertex - a.k.a. head down, the preferred position for a vaginal birth - for some weeks now. I was so proud of him when they told me that after my last scan, especially since they said he's so big now that he's unlikely to move out of his current A+ configuration. I just knew that my kid was a GENIUS.

Except... on Thursday, he was really really active in there. Huge, sweeping motions that were hard to interpret. And when I went to bed that night, I spent some time lying on my back and poking around trying to figure out what the various lumps of baby that I could feel through my belly might indicate. Is this a head? Is this a bottom? Maybe! Probably! Sure, why not?

Based on this highly unscientific analysis, I am worried that the baby is no longer vertex but actually transverse. Or am I? He still has time to turn, if he really is transverse. And so what if he stays transverse for the rest of the pregnancy? It means I'll have to have a C-section. Big deal. (Yes, yes, I recognize that this would be a very big deal to a woman planning a minimal-intervention vaginal birth; I am more on the side of "there's no good way to get this baby out of me, so let's just see what happens.")

I have an OB appointment coming up this week and an MFM appointment with the fancy ultrasound next week, so we'll have our answer soon. In the meantime, if anyone wants to place any bets, just let me know...


  1. I hope he's still head down!!!! My "genius" boy was butt down, when he came out yesterday his legs were all funny because of the bizarre contortion he was in for so long, haha

  2. Oh good luck! I hope he is still facing the right way! No one really wants surgery, but I know for many of us, the end product is the main objective. He still has time though, so maybe you are going to be okay for regular old birth.

  3. I think your perspective at this point is very healthy. Go in with low expectations, and then when good things happen it'll be a pleasant surprise! That's how I've been feeling about it all too. Go in assuming it'll be a c-section, and if it's vaginal then WHOOPIE!!!
