Saturday, December 10, 2011


TV shows not to watch when you're TTC:

1. Toddlers and Tiaras. What if I actually do conceive and then start thinking it's a good idea to put a spray tan on a 3-year-old?

2. I Didn't Know I Was Pregnant. Bitches.*

3. The vast majority of TLC's programming. Why do I keep doing this to myself?

TV shows to definitely watch when you're TTC:

1. Modern Family. There are so many ways to create a family, including adoption!

2. Enlightened. When she's not inadvertently sabotaging herself, Laura Dern's character is both giving voice to the crazy person within all of us, and calmly reassuring us that there is beauty in life.

3. 30 Rock. Liz Lemon, like Bridget Jones before her, is reassuringly imperfect. Which is nice because, let's face it, I'm a mess, and also because someday I hope to give my children a werewolf Bar Mitzvah party.

*I felt immediately bad after typing this. I promise it's just your garden-variety infertile jealousy talking; unexpected and unplanned pregnancies can be just as traumatizing as those that require intramuscular shots to get going. But seriously? You had no idea, for nine whole months?

1 comment:

  1. I totally agree with this list! Toddlers and Tiaras leaves me horrified everytime I catch a clip... Someone should be out there regulating who deserves to be a parent! At least now I know that feeding a 3 year old 4 red bulls in a day won't actually kill them (this is important incase I ever wonder if I should call poison control after my toddler robs a convience store.)
