Tuesday, January 22, 2013

More Bears!

An actual mama bear and her cub, from goo.gl/UtK0X

This is just to say:

I went for a run. A real one. And I guess that now my body thinks a bear was chasing me. A big, giant, angry bear who made me run so far and so fast that today my legs are killing me. (Actually, it was a pretty mild workout, but I am massively out of shape!) For the record, my last official run was on Martin Luther King Jr. Day last year, January 16, 2012. Through a combination of factors - IVF, pregnancy, postpartum healing, a stupidly broken foot, and last but not least, a treadmill that was only fixed last week - I managed to get back to exercising on Martin Luther King Jr. Day 2013. The big question is when I'll be able to do it again after yesterday... a week? A month? Once O learns to run himself, and I'm constantly chasing after him? :-D


  1. I just started exercising again this past weekend. Hubby and I decided to go big or go home so we are doing the insanity workout program. It's so tough and I'm so sore!! It's kinda crazy!

  2. So weird, I suddenly have the urge to get a payday loan! NOT! Hey Anonymous, pick on someone else's blog, wouldja?

    I think I may have you beat. With my messed up foot from my NYC trip in August 2011, then IUIs and IVF in Feb 2012, I think it's been almost a year and a half! I feel so gross. Yet I'm still not making it a priority. Oh well, I have twins so I can use that as an excuse, for like 5 years, right???

  3. Jules I think we can use that as an excuse for at least 5 years! I'm getting out and walking. I have yet to get the courage to run. Someday. Good for you! Bet it felt amazing!
