Sunday, April 1, 2012

Today, it is April 1st

Yeah, yeah, April Fool's Day, I know. But April 1 is also the day I had circled on my mental calendar as THE day, the magical far-away day, that I wouldn't feel sick anymore. By April 1, I would be frolicking in a blooming early-spring garden and enjoying the warmth of the sun on my bare skin. And I would eat, and eat, and eat, like a normal person.

Well, the weather didn't cooperate (the high temperature topped out around 50 and it's been spitting rain on and off), but I was right about one thing: my morning sickness is going away. I didn't wake up one morning to find it had magically disappeared, like some people had told me it would, but it gradually lessened over the past week and then on Friday I woke up feeling strangely... normal. I was still nauseous because my stomach was empty, but it was nowhere as debilitating as it has been. I got up and got dressed and went downstairs and felt better as soon as I had eaten my bowl of cereal. I did not require a 30-minute psych-up break on the couch where I listened to my workout mix to convince myself that I could do this before choking down a piece of toast and heading off to work. Instead, my Friday morning was about as exciting as Rebecca Black's, except that I got to ride in the front seat because, dude, I have my own car!

I've continued to feel sick first thing in the morning or anytime my stomach is empty, but all I have to do is eat, and then it goes away. And oh, how I have eaten. I want you to read this next sentence very carefully, because it seems unbelievable at first glance: this morning I went to Indian buffet for brunch. Do you know what's served at an Indian buffet? Food that has been prepared with spices. Food that is creamy. Food that is not just avocadoes. I ate an entire plate, and then I went back for a second one. And totally finished that too. Harry looked at me and said, "Well, I guess I have my wife back." And in between mouthfuls of saag paneer and mango pickle, I mumbled back "Looks like it." (Oh! And I also tried some of the cilantro that was used as a garnish; sorry, everybody, it still tastes like bitter soap to me.)

So that's the good news. For those of you keeping track at home, I first experienced "true" morning sickness at 5w6d and felt it ease up enough to eat normally at 11w1d. Fingers crossed that this pregnancy continues, and I'll write again when it truly disappears.

Which reminds me... with regard to the sub-chorionic hemorrhage thing, we had a bit of a setback on Friday night when I discovered I was having some pinkish-brown spotting. I have passed a bit of brown clotted blood since the initial bleed, but this was different. Naturally, I was entirely calm and didn't let it worry me. (Ha! That's a lie. Harry and I totally freaked out and I immediately lay down on the couch and tried to move around as little as possible and started Googling statistics and symptoms of miscarriage after SCH.) It stopped as quickly as it began, but I've noticed a big uptick in the amount of nasty, brown, clotted old blood that has been coming out ever since. I have to imagine that's good because it means the initial hemorrhage is getting smaller (right, body? can you do me a solid on this one and help me get rid of this thing?) but we won't know for sure until my next ultrasound on Thursday. Hopefully everything will stay quiet till then.

Oh, and to Allie, who started her IVF journey almost exactly when I did: a million congratulations and best wishes! Hooray!

1 comment:

  1. Charlotte thanks! That was so sweet of you. I am feeling the love!
    And I am so happy to hear you are starting to feel back to normal, little by little. Great news! Even greater as I start feeling crappier and crappier! :-)
