Monday, January 23, 2012

"Trigger Shot" Should Be the Name of a Cocktail

First of all, Harry and I rarely refer to it as a trigger shot. We much prefer calling it "the kick" after Inception or even "the bounce." When I think of the words "trigger shot," this is what I picture:

(Duck hunt, anyone?)

In reality, this is what's about to happen:

Either way, I'm triggering ovulation tonight. Looks like the count is holding steady around 22 follicles, of which a handful are likely too small to be viable, but there's no sense in worrying about that now. I did remember to ask this morning about my most recent E2 number and it was 2319, which brought me much joy because of its association with Monsters, Inc., but I'm going to try to take my RE at his word that everything looks good and not focus on the details too closely. Retrieval will take place on Wednesday morning at 8:15 AM under a haze of Ativan, Fentanyl, and Versed. A heavy, heavy haze. A haze so thick I won't be able to see through it or feel anything or remember anything. Right? Right.


  1. I loved this post from the minute I saw the Nintendo gun. You are marvelous! Good luck with retrieval! I'm a little bit behind you.

  2. I'm triggering tonight too!! I'm estrogen is right at 2244 today and they have me taking a little more gonal-F tonight. It's going to be really weird not going in for blood work or a scan tomorrow lol. I cannot wait for the retrieval. How you feeling? It's nice knowing other people who are going through this at the same time because in real life I haven't really told anyone.

  3. Good luck with it all! I have found that a little ice pack before the trigger makes it hurt a little less. And a little heating pad afterwards also makes it hurt a little less. Hopefully those 22 are ready to do their 'thang!


  4. Oh my god you made me laugh out loud! I made my husband look at this post! So awesome. I am totally going to try and figure out what the ingredients to a Trigger Shot drink would be!
    GL with the shot!

  5. Woohoo! Congrats on triggering, and what an awesome E2.

  6. "The kick" is perfect. And I also love Monsters Inc., I would have picked up on that number too.
    I've done a little reading on your blog and I am so impressed by your positive outlook and way of taking things as they come. I am very hopeful for you and can't wait to find out how many of those follies are mature and ready to fertilize.
    I'll be following.
    Alissa (aka MissConception)
