Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Photographic Proof... Maybe

Dearest readers, I am thrilled to be able to present you with this exclusive new image of our unborn child:

Wait, what's that? You don't see a baby in this picture? It looks like a bunch of random... stuff? Well! Let me help you out a bit:

So, you see, this could be anything! But I'm told it's probably a picture of our unborn child's face. Part of his face. We think. I feel confident that we're looking at one nostril, at least. And it is an ADORABLE nostril.

In other news, everything looked fine on the rest of the scan. Hooray! Onwards!


  1. Looks like Lady Gaga had a hand in that get-up! I'm gonna say the "Who knows?" is definitely a meat burqa.

  2. Looks like he's taking a snooze in a placenta pillow! So cute!

  3. Glad everything is looking good! I see a cute little nose and mouth! You just have a very shy baby.
